
A Selection of Our Exclusively Managed, Government Commissions:
THE HON. MADELEINE ALBRIGHT, Former Secretary of State
GENERAL JAMES L. AMOS, Commandant, U.S. Marine Corps
THE HON. LES ASPIN, Former Secretary of Defense
THE HON. SPENCER BACHUS, Chairman, Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives
THE HON. JAMES BAKER, Former Secretary of State
THE HON. JOSEPH BARTON, Chairman, U.S. House Committee of Energy and Commerce
THE HON. JAMES BEGGS, Former NASA Administrator
THE HON. LLOYD BENTSEN, Former Secretary of the Treasury
THE HON. JOHN BLOCK, Former Secretary of Agriculture
THE HON. SHERWOOD BOEHLERT, Chairman, U.S. House Committee on Science
THE HON. WILLIAM E. BROCK, Former Secretary of Labor
THE HON. RONALD BROWN, Former Secretary of Commerce (postmortem)
THE HON. CAROL BROWNER, Fmr. EPA Administrator
THE HON. GEORGE BUSH, 41st President of the United States
THE HON. LOUIS CALDERA, Former Secretary of the Army
THE HON. DAVE CAMP, Chairman House Ways and Means Committee, U.S. House of Representatives
THE HON. ANDREW CARD, Former Secretary of Transportation
THE HON. FRANK CARLUCCI, Former Secretary of Defense
THE HON. RICHARD CHENEY, Former Secretary of Defense
ADMIRAL VERNON CLARK, Ret. Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy
THE HON. SILVIO CONTE, Former U.S. Congressman – Massachusetts
GENERAL JAMES T. CONWAY, Commandant – U.S. Marine Corps
THE HON. DOUGLAS COSTLE, Former EPA Administrator
COL. TRUMAN CRAWFORD, U.S. Marine Corps (posthumous)
THE HON. SHANA DALE, Fmr. Deputy Administrator, NASA
THE HON. WILLIAM DALEY, Former Secretary of Commerce
THE HON. JOHN DALTON, Former Secretary of the Navy
THE HON. ELIZABETH DOLE, ormer Secretary of Transportation
THE HON. ELIZABETH DOLE, Former Secretary of Labor
THE HON. BARNEY FRANK, Fmr. Chrmn., Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives
THE HON. BARBARA FRANKLIN, Former Secretary of Commerce
MAGISTRATE JUDGE BARRY L. GARBER, U.S. District Court, Southern District Florida
THE HON. JANE GARVEY, Former Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration
THE HON. PETE GEREN, Fmr. Secretary of the Army
THE HON. BENJAMIN GILMAN, Fmr. Chairman, House Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of Representatives
THE HON. DANIEL GLICKMAN, Former Secretary of Agriculture
THE HON. DANIEL GOLDIN, Former Administrator, NASA
THE HON. ANNE M. GORSUCH, Former EPA Administrator
THE HON. SAM GRAVES, Chairman, Committee on Small Business, U.S. House of Representatives
THE HON. FREDERICK GREGORY, Former Deputy Administrator, NASA
GENERAL FRANKLIN L. HAGENBECK, Superintendent, U.S. Military Academy
THE HON. RALPH HALL, Fmr. Chairman, Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives
THE HON. JOHN D. HAWKE, JR., Former Comptroller of the Currency
THE HON. LISA JACKSON, Former Administrator, EPA
THE HON. MIKE JOHANNS, Former Secretary of Agriculture
ADMIRAL JAY JOHNSON, Chief of Naval Operations
THE HON. STEPHEN JOHNSON, Former Administrator, EPA
GENERAL JAMES L. JONES, Retired Commandant – U.S. Marine Corps
THE HON. MICHAEL KANTOR, Former Secretary of Commerce
GENERAL CHARLES KRULAK, Retired Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps
THE HON. MICHAEL LEAVITT, Former EPA Administrator
THE HON. ROBERT L. LIVINGSTON, Former Chairman House Appropriations Committee, U.S. House of Representatives
THE HON. LYNN MARTIN, Former Secretary of Labor
THE HON. ANN MCLAUGHLIN, Former Secretary of Labor
GENERAL MERRILL A. MCPEAK, Retired Chief of Staff - U.S. Air Force
THE HON. DALE MYERS, Former NASA Administrator
GENERAL RICHARD B. MYERS, Ret. Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
THE HON. JAMES NICHOLSON, Fmr. Secretary, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
THE HON. DAVID OBEY, Fmr. Chairman, Appropriations Committee, U.S. House of Representatives
THE HON. SEAN O’KEEFE, Former Administrator, NASA
THE HON. MICHAEL OXLEY, Fmr. Chairman, Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives
THE HON. DR. JAMES PEAKE, Fmr. Secretary, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
THE HON. FEDERICO PENA, Former Secretary of Energy and Transportation
THE HON. COLIN POWELL, Former Secretary of State
THE HON. ROBERT B. REICH, Former Secretary of Labor
THE HON. WILLIAM D. REILLY, Former Administrator, EPA
THE HON. WILLIAM RICHARDSON, Former Secretary of Energy
THE HON. WILLIAM D. RUCKELSHAUS, Former Administrator, EPA (2)
THE HON. DALIP SINGH SOUND, First Indian-American Congressman
JUDGE HOWARD SCHWARTZBERG, Former Bankruptcy Court Judge, New York
GENERAL ERIC SHINSEKI, Ret. Army Chief of Staff
THE HON. GEORGE SHULTZ, Former Secretary of State
THE HON. LOUISE SLAUGHTER, Fmr. Chairwoman, Rules Committee , U.S. House of Representatives
THE HON. CONGRESSMAN LAMAR SMITH, Fmr. Chrmn. Judiciary Committee, U.S. House of Representatives
THE HON. MICHAEL P.W. STONE, Former Secretary of the U.S. Army
THE HON. LEE E. THOMAS, Former Administrator, EPA
THE HON. J.R.THOMPSON, Former Administrator, NASA
THE HON. RUSSELL E. TRAIN, Former Administrator, EPA
THE HON. WILLIAM D. VERITY, Former Secretary of Commerce
THE HON. TOGO WEST JR, Former Secretary, Department of the Veterans Affairs
THE HON. THOMAS E. WHITE, Secretary of the U.S. Army
THE HON. CLAYTON YEUTTER, Former Secretary of Agriculture

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